Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Benefits of turmeric

The Benefits of turmeric

turmeric, the yellow little rich will benefit, who do not recognize this one plant. Turmeric is a plant that many people use. Rimpang kunyit mainly used for kitchen (spices, food pigment), cosmetics and in traditional treatment.

Kunyit have latin name Curcuma domestica Val. is a plant that is easy to be with stek rimpang with the size of 20-25 grams stek. Rimpang seeds must be old enough. Kunyit grow well in the land of the good governance pengairannya, rainfall 2000 mm up to 4000 mm per year and in a few protected. But to produce a larger rimpang required a more open. Rimpang saffron yellow to orange yellow.

Traditionally, water rimpang stew mixed with gambier used as a mouthwash for gum swelling. While salep from turmeric with the acid used for the treatment kawak foot injury. Salep made from a mixture of turmeric with coconut oil being used to heal leg swelling and to remove the fluid causes swelling. Or, the turmeric diremas-remas seeds with clove and jasmine are used for drug hepatitis, and skin disease. While the root of the turmeric diremas-remas can be used as a medicine outside the swelling and rheumatic diseases. In addition, turmeric is also trusted treatment for diabetes melitus, tifus, caecum, dysentery, leucorrhoea; menstruation does not swing, heartburn when stomach cramps, smooth ASI, tonsil, feces mucus.

Gynecology Chemistry

Some of the chemicals from the womb rimpang turmeric has been known that the oil atsiri as much as 6%, which consists of the compound monoterpen and sesquiterpen (includes zingiberen, alpha and beta-turmerone), a yellow pigment called kurkuminoid as much as 5% (includes kurkumin 50-60% , monodesmetoksikurkumin and bidesmetoksikurkumin), protein, phosphorus, potassium, iron and vitamin C.

From kurkuminoid third compound, the kurkumin is the largest component. Total value is often calculated as kurkuminoid% kurkumin, because the uterus kurkumin big compared to most other components kurkuminoid. Because some research is good fitokimia and farmakologi more emphasis on kurkumin.

Summary farmakologi

Some research is in vitro and in vivo shows, turmeric have any activity as antiinflamasi (antiperadangan), activity against peptic Ulcer, antitoksik, antihiperlipidemia, and activity antikanker.
Drugs given in the intraperitoneal mouse is effective to reduce the inflamasi (inflammation) and acute chronicles. Effectiveness of the drug reported that mice with the same hidrokortison acetate or indometasin for anti-inflamasi. Turmeric powder or juice is given in oral antiinflamasi does not produce the effect, only an effective intraperitoneal injection. From the experimental results obtained have been made, kurkumin can only be detected in the feces, but not on blood cells, plasma or urine. This is due kurkumin memunyai the low availability of biological and kurkumin is a compound that is lipofil.

Atsiri oil from turmeric rimpang showed activity in the rat antiinflamasi the pressing arthritis, udem hands / feet that diinduksi with karagenan and inflamasi the diinduksi with hialuronidase. Summary antiinflamasi, it seems tripsin enzyme through persecution and hialuronidase. Kurkumin and turunannya the natrium-kurkuminat given the intraperitoneal (to organs in the belly) and oral antiinflamasi showed strong activity that is pressing the udem the diinduksi with karagenan in mice.

Medicinal extracts in metanol or water provided in the oral rabbit, in a significant decrease and increase sekresi gastrik womb musin on gastrik. Drug in ethanol extracts of the mice given intragastrik very effective for menginhibisi sekresi gastrik and protect mukosa gastroduodenal injury caused due to stress hipotermik.

Kurkumin extract can prevent liver damage in rats diinduksi alcohol is the mechanism through inhibition of NF-kB gen. Kurkumin block endotoksin which is the result of the activation of NF-kB and pressing cytokin, chemokin, Cyclooxygenase-2 (Cox-2), and inducible Nitrit Oxydase Sinthetase (iNOS), thereby preventing damage to the heart. Turmeric extracts can also prevent hepatotoksisitas the diinduksi chemical compound CCl4 (karbontetraklorida) with a mechanism berikatan and reseptor with protein on the surface of the membrane cells replace toksik compound and prevent damage to cells.

Turmeric extracts can reduce all the lipid composition (trigliserida, pospolipid and cholesterol) in the aorta, and the degree trigliserida on the serum ex vivo. Kurkumin can prevent platelet aggregation (PAF), which distimulasi mediators endogen factors such as platelet aggregation and acid retardation arakhidonat through production tromboxan (TXA2) release and to block second messenger Ca2 +.

Turmeric can prevent bowel cancer in a way menginhibisi enzyme-lipid enzyme peroksidase and siklooksigenase-2 which is the development of cancer and the implications menginduksi enzyme glutation S-transferase. Induction siklooksigenase-2 associated with the production of prostaglandin (hormone regulator muscle movement). Kunyit also show activity as antioxidants associated with the extinction of singlet O2 mechanism that can damage DNA, but this is not the nature of antioxidants as retardation superoksida anion or free radical hidroxil.

Turmeric powder is given in oral in 116 patients with the condition dispepsia, flatulen, sour stomach, and shows that the response is significantly improved compared to the control group. Patients receiving 500 mg powder medicine four times a day for seven days, test the clinical effects of drugs is measured in tukak peptik shows that, rimpang kunyit tukak improve healing and decrease pain in the stomach.

Test that measured both the clinic is shown, kurkumin effective as antiinflamasi. Within two weeks, testing is done randomly on 18 patients with the disease reumathoid arthritis divided into three different groups of the given kurkumin (1200 mg / day), fenilbutazon (30 mg / day), and control groups. Results are the groups that were given kurkumin and fenilbutazon shows the response antiinflamasi far better than the control group.

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