Monday, September 14, 2009

benefit papaya

KHASIAT papaya

Papaya plants known as a multipurpose crop, because almost all parts of the plants starting from the root to the leaves beneficial to humans and animals. Papaya plants can be used as food, beverage, medicine, beauty nor as fodder. Papaya efficacy has been discussed in the article (1) previously. Here is a dose usage and the use of papaya as a remedy.

For external use, how papaya and boiled the water used to wash the affected part, or the sap is applied to the affected part. Meanwhile, for use in, use 30-60 grams of fresh material is boiled or mashed into juice.

Use for calluses, cracked heels, wounds, phlegm, insect bites. Way, young papaya cut ends then take the sap by using cotton, and rub on the skin of the sick. Mengkal papaya blended or mashed, then the water is applied to the affected part. Perform regular basis.

Overcoming premature graying. Way, use 30 grams of seeds that are ripe papaya roasted then crushed to a powder, add 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, stir well and then applied to the hair thoroughly. Let stand for 1-2 hours after it was cleaned. 1 times a week do.

To stimulate milk. Use 30 grams of papaya leaves crumpled, and then placed on the fire until the leaves wither, and stick while warm papaya leaves around the breast, except the nipples.

In burn patients, use of young papaya latex is applied to the burns, or mashed papaya and young dibalurkan on the affected part (compressed).

To treat acne, use 30 grams of papaya leaf old dried briefly and then add the mashed 30 cc of water, then use as a mask on the acne bulit. Young papaya tree sap is applied to the skin of acne. Perform routine seacra dry up pimples. Avoid hit by the eye.

In rheumatic patients, use papaya root 30 grams, 20 grams of lime leaves, fresh sambiloto 15 grams, 20 grams of leaves ketepeng china, 30 grams of fresh betel leaf, cayenne pepper 5 pieces, all crushed and then soaked in alcohol 75 per cent for 7 days, then squeezed and filtered. The water used for scrubbing and massaging the affected part. Do it 2-3 times a day. Or use 1 / 2 teaspoon of papaya latex suspension, 1 / 2 teaspoon sesuru stem sap, eucalyptus oil and stirred sufficiently flat then used to rub the affected part.

When suffering from constipation, use 300 grams of ripe papaya that has been peeled and then direncam with salt water and eaten. Do it two times a day. Konsumsikan ripe papaya on a regular basis.

Treating kidney inflammation, may use 30 grams of papaya roots cleaned, boiled with 800 cc to 450 cc left, strain add honey to taste and drink 3 times a day each 150 cc. Or use 30 grams of papaya roots cleaned, 30 teaspoons, 15 grams of fresh cat whiskers plant, 30 reeds roots boiled with water to 800 cc 400 cc left, then filtered and drunk. Apply 2 times a day each 200 cc.

When suffering from stomach pains during menstruation, use papaya leaves 30 grams, 30 grams kencur, 15 grams of fruit acid, ground salt to taste until smooth add water and cook just enough to squeeze accommodated 200 cc, and drunk at the time of menstruation.

For excessive menstruation, use 200 grams of young papaya, 100 g lotus rhizome is boiled with water to 600 cc 300 cc left, and then drink water and other materials consumed.
While for treating heartburn in children, use 200 grams of ripe papaya fruit, 300 grams of pumpkin machete / yellow squash, sugar to taste, blended with enough water and drink.

Overcoming influenza, use papaya seeds 20 grams, 10 grams of ginger, 15 grams lempuyang fragrant, 2 cloves of garlic boiled with 500 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, add 2 tablespoons lime juice, honey to taste and drink 3 times a day, every time drinking 100 cc.

For arthritis patients, use papaya leaves 60 grams, 15 grams of red ginger is boiled with 400 cc to 200 cc of water and then filtered and drunk while warm. Or use 30 grams of half-ripe papaya fruit, red ginger 15 grams boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, then filtered and drunk the water 2 times a day each 150 cc.

Treat people with anemia, use papaya leaves 30 grams, 20 grams blustru leaves, basil leaves 20 grams, 10 grams lempuyang boiled with water to 800 cc 400 cc left then filtered, and drink the water 2 times a day each 200 cc.

Suffering from a cold, use papaya leaves 60 grams, 20 grams of leaves Sembung, 10 grams of ginger, 3 stalks lemongrass, 10 cloves, 1 / 2 teaspoon ground cumin, 30 grams palm sugar / brown sugar boiled with water to 800 cc 450 cc remaining , then filtered and drunk the water 3 times a day each 150 cc.

To increase your appetite, use 100 grams of fresh young papaya leaves, crushed, add 200 cc of water and filtered cooking and add honey and drink enough, do 2-3 times a day.



So far the people have a lot of uses for the materials sambiloto leaf herbs. And many are sold ranging from MBO 'selling medicinal herbs pole, which hung, until the herbs are sold to manufacturers of modern packaging.

Sambiloto is typical of tropical plants, and can grow dipekarangan home, but now many people who provide land for planting this plant for later processing.

Lots of leaves sambiloto benefit from this, among others is to treat the disease diabetes, typhoid, and some are saying could also leaves sambiloto for itching disease and prevent cancer, perhaps because the bitter taste characteristic of this leaf. But that was widely used and recognized efficacy of these leaves is to prevent malaria because the leaf is also called anti-malaria drugs.

In addition it leaves are also useful for maintaining the immune or stamina. Maybe that's why the leaves are widely used for medicinal ingredients godokan.

For typhoid usually leaves sambiloto plus turmeric and ginger and then boil and drink rebususannya water 3x a day until healed suffering from typhoid fever. Meanwhile, for better diabetes sambiloto leaf is eaten or chewed directly in the fresh state.

That some of the many benefits of sambiloto leaves, typical uses of this tropical leaves had also started to be used in foreign countries like Indonesia than in some European countries and America, but to foreign countries, most countries use the leaves for treatment sambiloto is India. But who or which country a patent holder sambiloto leaves is unknown, but Indonesia has since long ago to use these leaves to manufacture the material health of a cocktail of herbal medicine and the original recipe from our ancestors inherited hereditary.

Is a prescription and herbal concoction has been patented in the right? I do not know. But I fear the fate of medicinal recipes sambiloto leaf is the same as the turmeric plant patent is taken Japan because we pemerintajh late menghakpatenkan, when turmeric is one of the plants native to Indonesia.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009



Kali ini saya mo sharing tentang optimasi money di Linkworth (LW) tanpa menggunakan Linkpost..

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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Property cumin

Property cumin

Caraway white (cuminum cyminum) in daily life are often used for cooking.

In addition, caraway seeds and white is also used as an herb supplement traditional medicine.

Caraway seeds and white has a fragrant aroma and interesting, refreshing.

Caraway white can grow well in the area of a cool,

such as for example in the area near the northern Indian Himalaya mountain foot.

In Indonesia, although it can grow, but in general less well.

Caraway have white leaves and stem wood composite circular and cumulative.

Caraway leaves have white leaves pelepah as small branches.

The form of leaf caraway white sheet does not exist, but more like a thread-the thread is stiff and short.

Dominant color is green plants, flowers and small yellow old

ditopang by a rather long stalk.

Local name:

Caraway White (Indonesia),

White cumin (Java),

Ginten (Bali);

Cumin Bodas (Sunda),

Jhinten pote (Madura);

Jeura engkut, white Jeura (Aceh),

Pute cumin (Bugis).

Disease that can be treated:

Heart pain


1 spoon the white seeds of caraway,

Cloves 1 onion,

7 nut cubeb pairs,

6 pieces of betel leaf.

How to create:

ditumbuk all the materials together until smooth,

and then added 4 tbs water and cook diperas and filtered.

How to use: drunk morning and evening regularly.

Menstruation does not smoothly


1 spoon the white seeds of caraway,

2 cloves, dry beans,

½ nutmeg seed cut,

1 rimpang turmeric,

1 cardamom fruit,

1-piece palm sugar,

1 tablespoon sugar,

2 sheets leaf srigading.

How to create:

all material is boiled with a 2 ½ cup water until boiling, then filtered.

How to use:

drink five days before the date of the period.

Jamu Putri


1 spoon the white seeds of caraway,

1 rimpang turmeric,

1 hold the pomegranate flowers.

How to create:

all materials ditumbuk until smooth and then disedu with 1 cup water and filtered.

How to use:

always drunk

Difficult Bedroom


1 spoon the white seeds of caraway,

3 kangkung cut vegetables,

2 sheets leaf pegagan

¼ tablespoon coriander.

How to create:

All materials are boiled together with 2 water glass until boiling live up to 1 cup, and then filtered.

How to use:

drunk in the bed.

Temulawak, Umbi healer lever

Hygiene Lemahkan excessive immune
Temulawak, Umbi healer lever

JAKARTA - Nearly every minute, we dibombardir by drug ads on television supplements. Start from the imported products to the traditional. All promised to be consumed safely. Drugs is not another kind of adoption is an import supplement of the many displayed in pharmacies and drug store well.
Society seems tersihir products by the manufacturer without thinking long and spend lots of money to buy it. Not surprisingly, the trend is now a herbal medicine, which is utilized as a traditional medicinal plants. But will be better again when we mengonsumsi plants directly from the racikan own. In addition to cheaper, security can be controlled.
For people on the island of Java, the name temulawak certainly not foreign anymore. In the area of Central Java, the plant called xanthorhiza Latin Curcuma Roxb known as exotic drinks with unique taste. Blend together with the plant turmeric and sugar, and diseduh with hot water will produce a distinctive taste.
Community Central Java herb usually give this to the children that is difficult to eat, because that temulawak ingredients can increase appetite. Even as a trusted herbal medicine that slows the process penuaan, flek black in the face and maintain kelenturan body. Women are advised meminumnya after birth, so the public trust Java.
The clinical, savor this Indonesian native plants can be correct. Temulawak have a uterus atsiri oil which is a taste of food, clean the stomach and facilitate the ASI.
Furthermore, according to a professor of the University of Padjajaran (UNPAD), based on results of research, extract temulawak very effective treatment for liver disease. In addition, has been to lower the cholesterol level in blood and liver cells. All property that is the blessing of the womb kurkumin, ie substances that are useful for maintaining and healthful heart or lever or medical term hepatoprotektor. Not surprisingly, the chemical composition of the protein is rimpang temulawak starch of 29-30 percent, kurkumin one to two percent and oil atsirinya between 6 to 10 percent.
Use temulawak in principle with the turmeric and kencur, that is shredded and taken water. Few there are some additional components for a particular disease. Interference in the kidney for a rimpang temulawak, added handful leaves mustache cat and leaves handful meniran with four glasses of water, boiled until half live. Be drunk three times a day. To increase the appetite can also be mixed with ginger rimpang. Are to improve the taste can be added palm sugar, lemon or ASEM appropriate taste.
Temulawak plant is native Brazil, but only limited distribution in Java, Maluku and Kalimantan. They are not trunked scrub vegetation. Start from pangkalnya leaf stalk is create a long spring. Higher plants between 2 to 2.5 meters. Long round leaves, like banana leaves. Pelepah leaves cover each other form a stem.
Plant that is easily digested patinya can grow well in low altitude to 750 meters above sea level. Can be harvested after the age of 8-12 months, and yellow leaves have appeared almost dead.
Tubers will appear from the base of the stem, dark yellow or brown young, up to 15 centimeters long and 6 centimeters ribbed middle. Baunya fragrant and slightly bitter, spicy taste. If we already know the benefits of this exotic drink, and to what confused-confused search for drugs that expensive supplements? (Mer)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Coffee Cancer Heart Press

Coffee Cancer Heart Press

KANKER heart seems more rarely found in the coffee drinker in comparison with those who do not drink coffee. Therefore the report published in the journal Hepatology August edition, which shows the findings from 10 studies on the relationship between coffee and liver cancer.

Studies that re-examined by researchers including Francesca Bravi of the Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche in Milan, Italy. Study covers the entire 2260 people with liver cancer and 240,000 people without liver cancer. The participants live in Greece, Italy, and Japan. Participants reported on their drinking habits coffee.

Data show that the coffee drinker seems 41 percent fewer diagnosed liver cancer compared with people who do not drink coffee. For each cup of coffee drunk, the possibility of liver cancer diagnosed up to 23 percent decline! Some studies define the consumption of coffee as much as 3 cups or more per day. The other set on the number lower, not more than 1 cup per day.

In fact, liver cancer occurs more often in the coffee drinker in all countries (Greece, Italy, and Japan). Researchers said the findings, this is not accidental or a local phenomenon. They speculate that coffee repair enzyme cut cirrhosis and liver cancer and liver. However, Bravi team does not promise that drinking coffee will prevent liver cancer. Thus, whether drinking coffee does not prevent cancer or heart, the more in-depth research should still continue to be made.

Most Halusinasi Coffee Making

Most Halusinasi Coffee Making

LONDON, WEDNESDAY - Please note, if there are friends or relatives who claim to see a ghost or heard something smelly mystical ask whether he habitue coffee or not. According to research in the UK, which too many people drink coffee tend to be more easy to effect halusinasi.

The research team from the University of Dunham concluded, people who drink more than seven cups instant coffee a day tend to be three times easier to halusinasi than those who drank only one cup of coffee a day. Conclusions are drawn after them menyurvei about 200 students mengonsumsi coffee habit and experience to see things mystical.

"This is the first step to study the factors associated with halusinasi more widely," said Simon Jones, who led the study. He said that on previous research, it is known that stress, such as childhood trauma, dealing with halusinasi.

According to James, the relationship between coffee and halusinasi may be associated with hormone kortisol. Halusinasi itself arises when the body produces too much hormone kortisol. Hormone is produced when a person experiencing stress. Consumption of caffeine also trigger the production of these hormones.

However, James emphasizes that the relationship is not the result. Even if caffeine triggers halusinasi, they may not be as much as other psychological factors. In addition, coffee is not only influential, but also tea, coffee, and beverages that contain high caffeine content. Direct research and experiments needed to measure the relationship with caffeine effects halusinasi.

source: bbc