Friday, February 6, 2009

Asam Jawa benefits

Asam Jawa benefits

Latinnya name is Tamarindus indica L. although the high tree, which leaves even the finned small. Tamarind tree tamarind or often in the plant at the edge of the low road. Meat savory tamarind fruit. Skin fruit chocolate, fruit flesh when young white greenness and become brown after dark. Pulp that can be used to preserve food, syrup is made, even able to clean the metal items that change the color black.

Pulp that is old and sometimes processed so durable. Because the color becomes dusky sometimes also called acid kawak.

Tamarind come from tribes: Caesalpiniaceae

Gynecology and benefits: meat fruit contains a variety of acid (acid tatrat, malat acid, citric acid, acid suknisat, acid asenat) that allows large pieces of water. Also, blood circulation is smooth and cool. While the nutritious leaves smooth defecate and eliminate pain, because it contains flavonoid, is also anti-inflammation. He also helped to remove the sweat.


1. To treat ulcer:

Kawak tamarind (tamarind pulp that has been cooked and processed chocolate is not the color black) of quail eggs soaked in water so that the glass 1, 5 slices of the washed temulawak before sliced, palm sugar for sweetener. All boil water so that the half-lives. Drunk 1x a day until healed.

To be placed: kawak acid puyuh of eggs, a little salt and a little oil and mixed dilumatkan. Paste to boil.

1. To treat whelk:

12 Sambiloto leaf blade, 10 slices temulawak, kencur 5 cm, 1 tsp fennel (foeniculum vulgare mill or fennel or venkel), 10 strand leaves caraway, all washed. Lumatkan with acid kawak of eggs puyuh. Give 1 ½ glass of water, filtered and ampasnya diperas with cloth. Drink 3x a day.

For drugs outside: given the tamarind water, diremas-remas, and filtered water used for washing the face will be sleeping at night.

1. To treat sariawan:

1 cup sour young leaves, 5 cm piece turmeric, all washed, sliced turmeric. 4 boiled with water until the water glass half live. So it's nice palm sugar can be added when boiled, then filtered, drink morning and sore.Ulangi until a few days.

1. To treat measles:

1 cup tamarind leaves, turmeric 3 rimpang fresh washed, sliced, a little salt and palm sugar. All boiled with 2 glasses of water to stay half water. Be drunk morning and evening.

1. To treat sore:

Tamarind seeds to be washed, peeled, dilumatkan, paste on the boil.

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